Dunno about you guys, but when my wife leaves town for any period of time, things get a little weird around here. My eating choices are dubious at best, my memory of when garbage pickup-day is vanishes. Dishes pile up in places that make no sense. It’s quire the horror show.
There’s one benefit though. I find that I don’t sleep all that well when she’s gone. I wake up often with some cool art ideas that I write down on a pad of paper. In the morning I check what I wrote, and sometimes that stuff get’s made into a drawing or painting. Sometimes it’s just dumb, and I toss it, but that weird creative bubble happens almost every night when she’s gone.
The trick will be this: How can I create that ‘creative night zone’ ALL the time? Do any of you fellow creatives have a similar thing happen to you? I’d love to hear what you do to pump up your creative flow, and any unique ‘idea generation’ you can share.
Speaking of drawing, I started work on a new logo treatment for Frogpants. Pretty happy with it so far, but will be tweaking things for a bit longer. Here’s a sneak peak if you missed the tweet I did a few days back:
That’s it for today’s random thoughts. Hope you’re all having a great week. Here’s to good weather and good people! Speaking of good people, join the Frogpants DoGooders Discord if you wanna do some good in the world today.
Same. Do you do that thing where you display mannequins in every room and dress them up in you wives clothes just to keep you company? Yeah, me either. I know what ya mean though…
You might be interested in how Salvador Dali tapped into that near-dream creative state: