I keep viewing the AI art question from the position of a consumer who is really only tangentially aware of the professional art industry. Like, I KNOW there are people who work in an office like me but instead of JIRA and Excel they use... I dunno probably also JIRA and Excel but with drawing/creating as their primary work product.

Even setting aside that industry though there is the freelance artist, like you brought up, who can’t really miss a commission. As much as I downplay the effect these generative models will have I can’t deny the fact that people WILL be impacted, someone WILL lose their job, and that sucks. I hope this new paradigm will open more doors than it closes.

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Hi Scott. Currently most of my creative efforts go to a Substack newsletter inspired by your Diary of a Cartoonist, called Diary of a Senior Geek. I don’t know how creative it is, it’s mostly me telling stories from my life and occasionally rambling about my take on how to live a moral and ethical life, basically by following the golden rule and forgiving yourself when you inevitably screw up.

I like to add photos and artwork. Substack has tools to paste in my own photos, help pick stock photos and generate artwork in various styles. If I use a meme I try to find out where it originally came from and link to it, with middling success. My drawing skills are basically at the pre-school level so I don’t do many drawings or other “art”.

After a few tries I’ve pretty much stopped using Substack’s generated art. Maybe I need to be more specific in my prompts, but I rarely get anything close to what I had in mind.

So I stick to my own photos, stock photos and occasionally photos I’ve found on the web, usually Star Trekk or Star Wars memes.

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Great take on all this. I’m not really tapped in to the gaming world so this was all quite logical while being eye opening at the same time. I don’t know if you are familiar with @timtadder ‘s work on IG. I find it staggeringly beautiful. And he also spends a huge amount of time talking about his philosophy around #AIart (I’ve seen it referred to as synthography by other folks - love the term.). He also talks about the burgeoning field of prompt engineering and his ongoing journey to refine/control an AI for creative purposes. Keep up the good stuff.

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I laughed at how the AI explained the punch line with confidence.

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Scott, this is is one of the better and more nuanced commentaries about the implications of AI I've read, and my business is technical writing (https://bit.ly/404OrtB). By the way, I suggest that Film Sack do "Boss Level" (http://www.ddmcd.com/movies/boss).

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