I’m done worrying about whatever is next for social media. All I ever needed out of it is regular communication and discussion with followers/listeners/viewers. When I call Frogpants a ‘community’, I’m not saying it lightly. I feel pretty intense about its health, longevity and inclusivity. Having things like Twitter and Facebook be in interment states of turmoil makes me worry more than I probably should.
That said, I keep asking myself, “Scott, why aren’t you using Substack more then? Directly communicate to and from the community you love?”
Well, self, you are not wrong. I’d like to remede that a bit if I can. More frequent posts, more opportunity for you to comment and reply, and a chance to pull away from the trappings of modern social media a bit more in the process.
I just did a big Diary episode about my frustration on this front, and with Twitter in particular. You can hear that episode here. Would love to hear what others think, or how you’re feeling about social media in general.
Anyway, as always, just checking in and hope this one finds you well. Expect more soon. I have a feeling this could be most social of channels if I just use it right. :)
Oh, here’s some art I did this week. I love all things 40k, and so I got a hankering to draw my own character in that universe. Enjoy!
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!
I'd be happy to see a community forum return. No reddit.
As always, I loved hearing from you today. Twitter Sonic made me laugh out loud for real! Personally I don't use twitter at all and I just lurk on "The FaceBook" but I read and interact with newsletters from people I care about. So I am giving a huge thumbs up for the Substack approach : - ) (mykberg in chat if I'm every free from work during TMS stream time)