Oct 19, 2023Liked by Scott Johnson

Long form thoughts and musings please!

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Scott Johnson

Yes! All the things sound good to me. A written version of The Diary.

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Thought, musings, art stuff and anything else you want to do.

I'm publishing Diary of a Senior Geek once a week and I what I publish is rarely what I thought it was going to be when I started writing. Seems to please my massive audience of 20 or so relatives and friends though.

And it's therapeutic for me. I'll keep writing even if no onbody's reading.

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All of those things but definitely art!

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Medium-form thoughts and musings. And maybe a bit of behind-the-scenes info. Any and all art is always appreciated. How about the stuff you throw away? 🙂

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Post whatever you feel like sharing, let the reader pay attention to what they like and skip what they don’t, no need to stress or spend too much time pondering.

Love the show though 😜

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Yes to all that and anything else you think of. Don’t overthink it

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I think this makes the most sense for anything longer than the average random thought on Threads. And of course artwork will always be enthusiasticly encouraged anywhere 😁

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General musings, art bits.

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Art, Stories, Anything really

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Oof, I have to choose? I wouldn't mind seeing all of these things here, actually.

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