I think you meant Immortal Hulk, not Eternal Hulk, and I really agree that it's a great book

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I think a lot of companies and cons will embrace hybrid (which is great!), but I think the folks saying it'll never go back might have a bit of wishful thinking - It seems to me from folks who much prefer it online that in person. Online has it's benefits! But I think there is a lot to be said about doing stuff in person as well. I get why some folks my prefer to play board games on Table Top Simulator, and while I can enjoy it, I much prefer in person for that type of stuff.

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I always liked in COPS the guy who would fight them, they would warn against Macing him, and eventually when they did he would be crying and saying, "Why did you do that?!?" all shocked and such. Good times... plus you realize how crazy some folks are in your possible area too.

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